Tuesday, April 8, 2014

- Old Fashion -

Yes, I would describe myself as old fashioned in a way.  I do not answer my phone when I am with a friend.  I try to stay true to my word.  If I said I was going to do something, I will try my absolute best to see it through!  If I know I am wrong I will apologize.  I believe you should work hard for what you have.  I could go on and on.....  I really don't know why I am this way :) 

So when I meet clients that show the same Old Fashioned qualities that I have, it is just a joy to work with them.  My clients Amber and Brent are just these kind of people.  They are a joy to be around.  Very positive, gentle, courteous, encouraging, thank full and so on...  They make my job so easy :)

I am very happy when I meet people like them.  I seem to connect with them.  Every time I see them it is like we are old friends catching up.  When I first started my business I was very cautious and did not get to close to my clients in fear of getting hurt.  These days though I find that when I open up more and have a connection with my clients, everything I do with and for them is more meaningful.  Life is not all about work and money.  It is about the people you meet and making every moment count.  I am so glad I met Amber, Brent and their little family.  I am excited for the opportunity in the future to meet more people like them.

The Svejda Family

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