Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Since opening our studio a year ago this April, we have had a flood of babies and children.  I started my photography career doing weddings.  So children are very new to me and I am just crazy enough to take on this challenge.  Those photographers out there who photograph children are Rock Stars!  It is a lot more challenging then any other kind of photography in my opinion. 

A child meets you for the first time the day of the photo shoot.  We tell our children to be ware of strangers, yet when they come to us they are expected to act like they have known me forever and smile.  It is a tough and confusing job for those little ones. 

Sometimes it goes so smoothly and you have a child like this little girl Willow.  She was AMAZING!  She smiled for me all the time.  Had the cutest personality and was just a dream to work with. 

Then there are other times when the kid does not like me from the minute they walk in my door.  They wont look at me or they are scared and cry.  I feel really bad for them and their parents.  I know the parents have great expectations for their little guy and they want the cutest photos ever, so they can brag them up to family and friends.  But the reality is that most of the time it is really tough!  I try to encourage the parents and let them know it happens all the time.  Because it does!  If a child is under 5 years old it could go either way.  We could have the best experience or the worst experience. 

But that does not mean we should give up and not do children photo shoots.  We will try and try again to get the cutest little smiles. 

My husband Reggie always thinks he is the one who scares the kids.  He says "the kid probably is scared of that big bearded guy!" , but that is not true.  It makes me laugh though when he says it LOL.

So I have said all that to say this.  Kids are tough little people and I am gonna beat them at their game!

- Willow -  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I was honored to do Diane and Ron wedding this weekend.  This couple was just so sweet.  They were not shy in showing their affection for one another <3  I just absolutely enjoyed every minute of it. 

Diane was the perfect bride.  When I first got to the getting ready room you could see a bit of nervousness about her.  It is very typical for a bride and groom to be a bit nervous on their big day :)  What was really great is that Diane put her trust in me.  That gave me the freedom to be creative and sore!  I can not tell you how much that affects how I work.  There is one photo in particular that I took of her right after she got her dress on that is my absolute favorite of the day.  I asked her to sit on the floor (She so graciously did so for me)  The photo in my opinion is breathtaking of her!  I have never asked a bride to sit on the floor before, but I am so glad she trusted me and did so. 

When a bride and groom hire me they put their trust in me to create and document beautiful photos of their day.  These photos will be with them all their lives.  They will someday show their grandchildren.  Sometimes the day goes by so fast for them, and there will be little things they will miss out on.  I have had a bride burst out in tears, because she did not realize what was all going on the day of her wedding, and she so appreciated that we caught that moment in time for her that she missed.  It gives me great joy to be apart of such a happy day in these couples lives.  I guess that is why I enjoy what I do. 

Sometimes I feel like a chicken running around with my head cut off, but at the end of day when I load the photos and start to scan through them.  I feel satisfaction and pride that I was able to create beauty on film. 

Ok enough with the mushy stuff.  Enjoy the photos.  Congrats Diane & Ron!


Monday, March 24, 2014


That is a lot of how our business is run, by Referrals.  We will do a wedding or newborn and others see what we do and hire us :)  It is more of a compliment than anything.  It just absolutely makes my day when a new client calls me and says they saw my work from their friend and absolutely loved it.  What a confidence boost! 

But seriously, I just love making people happy.  I love when they see their photos and they almost gasp.  What a great feeling!  I am so excited when people put their trust in me to make something beautiful for their family memories.  I also take it very seriously too.  I give 110% for every photo shoot that I have.  I think of myself in their shoes and what I would expect.   

Looking back on my life I would have never guessed I would be a business owner and be doing this.  I thought I would be working in a factory.  I really have to give a lot of credit to my amazing husband Reggie.  He pushes me to be better and do more.  Sometimes I don't want to hear it, but he is most of the reason I have come so far.  He is definitely an entrepreneur to his core.  He makes me look good :)  Now I am not saying I don't have anything to do with all this.  It takes two to tango as they say, and Reg and I dance very well together :)

This is the sweetest family that was referred to us from a wedding I did for her friend :)

Cale turns 3 years old!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Logo

Welcome to my NEW blog!  Hope you like it :)

New to Blogging

Ok....  here goes!  I am going to attempt to BLOG!

I am not a big writer, but thought this might be kinda fun and good for my business.  I really don't know how often I will write?????  But I am going to give it a try. 

Today is the first day of spring.  Even though it is very cold outside, and snow is on the ground.  I feel very springy!  I love warm weather.  I never complain when it is really hot out.  I can't wait to start taking my dog on walks and maybe shedding a few pounds! 

With this blog I hope to always be positive and uplifting.  This is not a place for me to vent if I am having a bad day!  Besides I find that as I get older, I am becoming more and more private.  I like to be by myself or with my husband and two boys. 

I would like to start posting photos on this blog as well.  Hopefully I learn how to smoothly operate it :)

Well I guess that is all I have for today :)  We will see how this goes!